Susan B. Anthony List


Susan B. Anthony List

DigiPo/Advocacy Group Investigation


The Susan B. Anthony List is a right-wing, anti-abortion[1][2] organization that  promotes legislation and funding priorities that reduce access to abortion. While it was initally formed as a fund to support female "pro-life" candidates, it has increasingly become a vehicle for Republican dark money. It was instrumental in the fight against the American Health Care Act, and its current efforts focus on defunding Planned Parenthood clinics.[3]

Funding and Membership

Funding comes from multiple sources, but a large portion of the funding comes indirectly from the Koch Brothers, via the Center to Protect Patient Rights (now known as American Encore). The group received over a million from the Center in 2010, which formed about half of its $2.5 million 2010 election budget.

Name Controversy

Numerous people have objected to the use of the Susan B. Anthony name

The primary documentary evidence for Anthony’s "opposition to Restellism," a 19th-century euphemism for abortion, are a few diary entries; a newspaper editorial; and the fact that her short-lived feminist newspaper, the Revolution, declined advertisements for "quack medicines" including abortifacients.  (source)




[1]should this be "pro choice"

[2]I think anti-abortion is less loaded. I would suggest that we use the terms "anti-abortion" for "pro-life" and "contraceptive rights" or "abortion rights" for "pro-choice" depending on the context. That seems more neutral.

[3]Added some financial info and a link that talks about early focus.

Susan B. Anthony List


Susan B. Anthony List

DigiPo/Advocacy Group Investigation


The Susan B. Anthony List is a right-wing, anti-abortion[1] organization that  promotes legislation and funding priorities that reduce access to abortion. Current efforts focus on defunding Planned Parenthood clinics


Funding and Membership


Funding comes from multiple sources, but a large portion of the funding comes indirectly from the Koch Brothers, via the Center to Protect Patient Rights.



Name Controversy


Numerous people have objected to the use of the Susan B. Anthony name


The primary documentary evidence for Anthony’s "opposition to Restellism," a 19th-century euphemism for abortion, are a few diary entries; a newspaper editorial; and the fact that her short-lived feminist newspaper, the Revolution, declined advertisements for "quack medicines" including abortifacients.  (source)


[1]should this be "pro choice"

Blue-Eyed Shuffle

Flickr photo, user LookIntoMyEyes (source)
Flickr photo (source)

A genetic mutation which took place 6,000-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today, and can be traced to a single ancestor. There appears to be no evolutionary advantage to the mutation; it is instead a good example of how biological processes constantly reshuffle our genetic makeup into new combinations.

“Originally, we all had brown eyes,” said Professor Hans Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. “But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a “switch,” which literally “turned off” the ability to produce brown eyes.” The OCA2 gene codes for the so-called P protein, which is involved in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives colour to our hair, eyes and skin. The “switch,” which is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 does not, however, turn off the gene entirely, but rather limits its action to reducing the production of melanin in the iris — effectively “diluting” brown eyes to blue. The switch’s effect on OCA2 is very specific therefore. If the OCA2 gene had been completely destroyed or turned off, human beings would be without melanin in their hair, eyes or skin colour — a condition known as albinism. [ source]

CMU Makerbot Innovation Center

Central Michigan University just opened a Makerbot Innovation Center, at a cost of $357,000 plus renovation for the space. Interest in 3D printing seems to be stemming from Engineering and Technology, Merchandising and Design, and Arts and Design programs.

3D modeling for the printing is done with 123D and Tinkercad.

Makerbot is described as having strong interest in developing innovation centers such as this at other institutions of higher education.


{{trends, maker movement}}

Broken Windows Theory Broken

The broken windows theory is a sociological explanation of how “good” areas go “bad” and how bad areas go good. In the theory, tolerance of small offenses (such vandalism) leads to increases in larger offenses (such as murder). Application of policies informed by the theory were credited for New York City’s decline in crime in the 1990’s. However, there are many reasons to doubt this explanation.

Homicide dropped nationally in the 1990s, not just in New York City.
Homicide dropped nationally in the 1990s, not just in New York City. (source)

The biggest reason to doubt that New York’s crackdown on smaller offenses led to reduced crime over the 1990s is that crime in America fell everywhere, whether “Broken Windows” policies were enforced or not.

While New York may have had a greater reduction in crime than other cities, the minimal differences can be explained as regression to the mean — essentially the areas that had the highest escalation of crime in the 1970s and 1980s experienced the greatest declines as crime reverted to its historical trend. Harcourt and Ludwig show that this mean regression can account for almost all of the New York City decline. [ html]

A second area of concern is that it is unclear if what is really be observed in the “broken windows” correlation is influence of a third factor: economics. It’s possible that saying communities that have more broken windows have more murder is simply equivalent to saying “poor areas have higher homicide rates”.

Over the past two decades, criminologists have largely come to see the broken windows effect as minor at best and harmful at worst. Summarizing the research in 2004, David Thacher concluded:

Over the past few years, however, social science has not been kind to the broken windows theory. A number of scholars reanalyzed the initial studies that appeared to support it, arguing in particular that Wesley Skogan’s seminal study of the relationship between disorder and crime did not demonstrate the strong relationship that broken window proponents have claimed. Others pressed forward with new, more sophisticated studies of the relationship between disorder and crime. The mostprominent among them concluded that the relationship between disorder and serious crime is modest, and even that relationship is largely an artifact of more fundamental social forces. [ pdf]


Another line of thought is making small offenses capital crimes backfires. See [[Penalty Compression]].

Broken Windows Theory brought in Compstat which created [[Perverse Incentives]]


Thomas Littleton’s Tenures (often New Tenures) was the first textbook written specifically on English land law. It was printed as a Textus Inclusus text, with wide margins for annotations. The language was a dialect of French called “law French”. The earliest copies emerged in the 1480s, but the text was popular throughout the 16th century and in use through the 21st. [ cite]

STC 15749.2 copy 1, showing the large margins. (Photo by Caroline Duroselle-Melish)
STC 15749.2 copy 1, showing the large margins. Photo by Caroline Duroselle-Melish. [ fairuse]

In the work, Littleton attempts to make a classification of rights, each stated clearly at the beginning of a chapter, after which he discussed the various nuances of the application of the principle.

The work is clearly addressed to students of law,[ cite] and was distinguished by its focus on English law, excluding the civil law that governed continental countries.

STC 15749 copy 2, with the large margins almost entirely filled with notes. (Photo by Caroline Duroselle-Melish)
STC 15749 copy 2 of Tenures, with the large margins almost entirely filled with notes. (Photo by Caroline Duroselle-Melish) [ fairuse]

At the time, copyright was not in force, so the original publisher had to fend off competition from other printers. [ cite]

The edition displayed above is an example of [[Textus Inclusus]].

Much like [[Suicide Clusters]].


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Textus Inclusus

A medieval approach to intertextuality, also called a “square bracket” text. The main text was laid in the middle, but with significant margins. The margins would then be filled with the annotations of scholars.

Textus Inclusus
Leiden, University Library, BPL MS 2888 (Italy, 13th century), Photo Julie Somers, Turning Over a New Leaf (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

In the photo you can see this executed with a text of the Justinian code, with annotations forming the square brackets. In the middle margin a reader has scribbled some notes of their own.

Legal texts in particular demanded a high degree of annotation.


See also [[Aristotelian Notes]]

[[Tenures]] was the first English textbook on land use law, printed as a Textus Inclusus text.

TCP/IP for Energy

The key idea that made the internet possible was the move from centralized circuit-switched networks to distributed packet-switching protocols, where data could “find its way” from sender to receiver.

Now it’s energy that needs to find its way.

The power network… will undergo the same kind of architectural transformation in the next decades that computing and the communication network has gone through in the last two.

We envision a future network with hundreds of millions of active endpoints. These are not merely passive loads as are most endpoints today, but endpoints that may generate, sense, compute, communicate, and actuate. They will create both a severe risk and a tremendous opportunity: an interconnected system of hundreds of millions of distributed energy resources (DERs) introducing rapid, large, and random fluctuations in power supply and demand…

As infrastructure deployment progresses, the new bottleneck will be the need for overarching frameworks, foundational theories, and practical algorithms to manage a fully [data-centric] power network.
This is an algorithms problem! It’s TCP/IP for energy. Think of these algorithms as hybrids of distributed networking protocols and financial trading algorithms — they are routing energy as well as participating in a market.[ source]

18 Terawatts

The human race uses 18 terawatts, and will for the foreseeable future. So there are basically only two scenarios for investors as a collective:

(a) invest in clean energy immediately; clean energy takes over the $6 trillion global energy market; investors get a nice piece of that.

(b) don’t invest in clean energy immediately; fossil fuels burn past our carbon budget; investors inherit a cinder.

Scenario (a) seems like the most rational plan for everyone, in the long term. The fact that most investors’ short-term incentives are structured to prefer scenario (b) is a critical problem to be solved. Again, it’s not a technology problem, but it’s a blocker that prevents us from getting to the technology problems.[ quote]